Mama's, you give light to the world and joy to many!
Our Australian Labradoodle parents are....Outstanding dogs that have been health tested, socialized, trained and bred right here with us. Our puppies receive adoration, stimulation and socialization, all the day long. So when they come to you, they are very, very, familiar with household noises, sights and people. Our moms are right in the midst of things once pups eyes and ears are open and so they don't feel the need to leave their pups for very long as they can see everything going on.

Lake Blue's Lucy Goosie
Sweet little Lucy is an Ellie Mae and Zac offspring
Small mini @ 15 pounds
PennHip - Good
Elbows: Good
Cardiac - Normal
Patella - Normal
Degenerative Myopathy - Carrier
Exercise Induced Collapse -Clear
von Willebrand disease- Clear
PRA-prcd - Clear
Eye Certification - Clear
Improper Coat - Carrier

Triangle Trained's Claire Bear @ Lake Blue
This sweet girl is so in love with her people. She is not only smart as they come she is very alert and intuitive. I just love her demeanor and how she is always watching you.
Large mini - 26 pounds 161/2 inches
OFA Hips- Good
Elbows: Good
Cardiac - Normal
Patella - Normal
Degenerative Myopathy - Clear
Exercise Induced Collapse -Clear
von Willebrand disease- Clear
PRA-prcd - Clear
Eye Certification - Clear
Improper Coat - Furnishing​

Lake Blue's KloverBelle
Klover is so intuitive and loving She just loves her people and is excellent at alerting them when she needs to go....
Mini - 22 pounds 116 inches
OFA Hips- Good
Elbows: Good
Cardiac - Normal
Patella - Normal
Degenerative Myopathy - Clear
Exercise Induced Collapse -Clear
von Willebrand disease- Clear
PRA-prcd - Clear
Eye Certification - Clear
Improper Coat - Furnishing​

Lake Blue's Ginger
Ginger is playful but loving, and loves a good romp or walk. A bit strong willed but responds well to consistency and training.
Small medium - 27 pounds 17 inches
OFA Hips- Good
Elbows: Good
Cardiac - Normal
Patella - Normal
Degenerative Myopathy - Clear
Exercise Induced Collapse -Clear
von Willebrand disease- Clear
PRA-prcd - Clear
Eye Certification - Clear
Improper Coat - Furnishing​

Triangle Trained's Peaches & Cream
Large Mini - 25 pounds 16 1/2 inches
OFA Hips- Good
Elbows: Good
Cardiac - Normal
Patella - Normal
Degenerative Myopathy - Clear
Exercise Induced Collapse -Clear
von Willebrand disease- Clear
PRA-prcd - Clear
Eye Certification - Clear
Improper Coat - Furnishing​

Our up and coming 5 Star Female PUPS

Contact Tina @ 240-522-1491 or text me lakebluelabradoos@gmail.com